

Ergonomic and easy to use, Integre® Pro laser family includes an extensive range of fully integrated systems, offering a wide array of parameters, tailored to the treatment of retinal pathologies:

  • Integre® Pro combines multi-wavelength photocoagulation with single spot technology
  • Integre® Pro Scan combines multi-wavelength photocoagulation with a precise computer-controlled pattern scanning laser

Key Features

  • Ergonomic all-in-one solution
  • Multi-wavelength photocoagulation
  • SingleSpot mode for conventional thermal retina treatments (Integre® Pro)
  • Multispot Pattern Scanning mode for peripheral treatments are better tolerated by patients (Integre® Pro Scan)

3 reasons to choose Integre® Pro

Single or dual-wavelength laser

Whether positioning focal treatment in the macular area, or performing PRP in the periphery, Integre® Pro laser range provides a comprehensive wavelength choice to cover all retinal pathologies.

The following wavelength configurations are available:

  1. Yellow-red configuration (561 nm and 670 nm)
  2. Green configuration (532 nm)
  3. Yellow configuration (561 nm)

SingleSpot treatment mode

Available on Integre® Pro and Integre® Pro Scan

Characterized by the use of long pulse durations (100-200ms), Integre® Pro SingleSpot treatment mode offers customizable shooting modes for the implementation of thermal treatments such as leaking blood vessels sealing (focal laser photocoagulation): 
Single, repeat, continuous, etc…


Multispot Pattern Scanning treatment mode

Available only on Integre® Pro Scan 

Characterized by the use of short pulse durations (10-20ms), Integre® Pro Scan Multispot Pattern Scanning treatment mode offers many advantages over conventional photocoagulation in retinal treatments such as panretinal photocoagulation (PRP):

  • Less heat diffusion to the retina and choroid, less damage to the retinal nerve fiber layer [1,2]
  • Comfortable treatment is better tolerated by patients [3]
  • Extremely fast treatment (full PRP in 1 session) [4].

The Multispot Pattern Scanning treatment mode can be delivered through customizable patterns for better adaptation to the treatment site: 
Line, Rectangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Double Circle, etc…

<p>Designed <strong>with you in mind</strong></p>

Designed with you in mind

Thanks to the unique design of the Integre® Pro laser family, all controls — spot size, energy, shot duration and micromanipulator — are conveniently located, right at your fingertips.

Integre® Pro Scan's user-friendly touchscreen interface allows you to adjust all treatment parameters, including laser power, pulse duration, pattern selection and pattern size quickly and easily.  

An intuitive track pad enables easy navigation of the retina and adjustment of treatment settings and pattern characteristics.

Key points 
of Integre Pro laser family

Integre Pro® Scan and Integre Pro® are trademarks of Ellex Medical Pty Ltd and Lumibird Medical.
All rights reserved.

Clinical references:

1- Jain A, Blumenkranz MS, Paulus Y et al. Effect of pulse duration on size and character of the lesion in retinal photocoagulation. Arch Ophthalmol. 2008; 126:78-85.
2- Yi-Ryeung Park, Donghyun Jee. Changes in Peripapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness after Pattern Scanning Laser Photocoagulation in Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy. Korean J Ophthalmol 2014;28(3):220-225.
3- Hussainy S Al, Dodson PM and Gibson JM. Pain response and follow-up of patients undergoing panretinal laser photocoagulation with reduced exposure times. Eye. 2008; 22, 96–99
4- Muqit MM, Marcellino GR, Henson DB et al. Single-Session vs Multiple-Session Pattern Scanning Laser Panretinal Photocoagulation in Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy. Arch Ophthalmo. 2010;128(5):525-533

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