

Ergonomic and easy to use, Vitra 2® offers a wide array of parameters tailored to the treatment of retinal pathologies.

Adaptable on Haag Streit or Zeiss sit lamps, it features a unique clinically oriented user interface and software-guided treatment, enhancing retinal treatments. 

Key Features

  • Traditional 532nm green wavelength.
  • SingleSpot mode for conventional thermal retina treatments.
  • Multispot Pattern Scanning mode for peripheral treatments better tolerated by patients.

Vitra 2®: SingleSpot or Multispot 
Pattern Scanning laser

SingleSpot treatment mode

Characterized by the use of long pulse durations (100-200ms), the SingleSpot treatment mode offers 4 customizable shooting modes for the implementation of thermal treatments such as leaking blood vessels sealing (focal laser photocoagulation): 

Single Mode, Repeat Mode, Painting Mode, Continuous Mode.


Multispot Pattern Scanning treatment mode

Characterized by the use of short pulse durations (10-20ms), the Multispot Pattern Scanning treatment mode offers many advantages over conventional photocoagulation in retinal treatments such as panretinal photocoagulation (PRP):

  • Less heat diffusion to the retina and choroid, less damage to the retinal nerve fiber layer [1,2]
  • Comfortable treatment better tolerated by patients [3]
  • Extremely fast treatment (full PRP in 1 session) [4].

The Multispot Pattern Scanning treatment mode can be delivered through 4 customizable patterns for better adaptation to the treatment site: 

Square, Circle, Triple Arcs, Single Spot.

<p><strong>ENHANCED SOFTWARE</strong>&nbsp;<br>USER INTERFACE</p>


Vitra 2 provides an intuitive and versatile software user interface simplifying the SingleSpot and Multispot Pattern Scanning laser treatments. 

Built in a clinically oriented manner, it guides the operator through the laser treatment implementation steps.

All controls are conveniently located, right at your fingertips thanks to:

  • An intuitive touchscreen interface allowing you to adjust all treatment settings.
  • An intuitive click wheel to control the patterns settings.
  • An intelligent footswitch to control the laser settings.

Vitra 2® technological advantages


Slit lamp
Laser indirect ophthalmoscope
OR microscope
Laser probes

.Vitra 2® is a trademark of Quantel Medical and Lumibird Medical.
All rights reserved.

Clinical references:

1- Jain A, Blumenkranz MS, Paulus Y et al. Effect of pulse duration on size and character of the lesion in retinal photocoagulation. Arch Ophthalmol. 2008; 126:78-85.
2- Yi-Ryeung Park, Donghyun Jee. Changes in Peripapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness after Pattern Scanning Laser Photocoagulation in Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy. Korean J Ophthalmol 2014;28(3):220-225.
3- Hussainy S Al, Dodson PM and Gibson JM. Pain response and follow-up of patients undergoing panretinal laser photocoagulation with reduced exposure times. Eye. 2008; 22, 96–99
4- Muqit MM, Marcellino GR, Henson DB et al. Single-Session vs Multiple-Session Pattern Scanning Laser Panretinal Photocoagulation in Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy. Arch Ophthalmo. 2010;128(5):525-533

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