

AXIalis® is the next-generation, integrated, compact biometer and pachymeter (optional).

Ultrasound biometry is complementary to optical biometry when a cataract is highly dense or in case of vitreous hemorrhage. AXIalis® has a high precision in biometry, IOL calculation with a total of 12 formulas (including post refractive surgery formulas) and pachymetry (optional) with integrated tables of correlations between IOP and corneal thickness.

Key Features

  • Pachymetry (optional) has several measurement modes offering a precision of ± 5 µm
  • Up-to-date and full connectivity: Bluetooth / Wifi / HDMI / EMR / DICOM (optional)
  • An intuitive user-friendly interface to simplify the measurement process

3 value-added key points of AXIalis®

Measurement precision

The measurements’ precision is more accurate thanks to the immersion technique for Biometry. 

This precision is required for new generation of IOLs such as multifocal lenses. Immersion technique involves the use of a scleral shell.



AXIalis is suitable for all types of clinical settings thanks to its compact and integrated design, without compromising comfort of use.

A user-friendly interface enabling easy navigation across all system functions and calculations. The measurement process has been simplified to save time.


Full connectivity

AXIalis has full connectivity: 

  • Bluetooth / Wifi 
  • HDMI to connect an external screen
  • DICOM: import and export images and patient reports to and from the PACS. Reports and images can be printed using a DICOM printer or local WIFI printer
  • EMR: connection to multiple data transfer and storage software

Find the appropriate probe 
for your needs

Take full advantage 
with a wide range of accessories

Prager shell 17mm for adults
Prager shell 15mm for infant children
Biometry probe handpiece

.AXIalis® is a trademark of Quantel Medical and Lumibird Medical.
All rights reserved.

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